12 January 2009

January 12-18

Prayer Focus:
This week, let us pray that God would give each of us a piece of His heart (i.e. a specific burden and passion). The entire heart of God is too big and too intense for any of us to handle alone; it takes the entire body of Christ to do that. I pray that God would give me a peice of His heart, allowing me to feel His burden and passion for whatever aspect of the kingdom He sees fit.

Bible Study: (Remember to make at least 1 comment a week!)
Monday........1 Sam. 3,4.......Rom. 1
Tuesday........1 Sam. 5,6.......Rom. 2....Psa. 60
Wednesday...1 Sam. 7,8.......Rom. 3
Thursday......1 Sam. 9,10.....Rom. 4....Psa. 61
Friday...........1 Sam. 11,12...Rom. 5
Saturday.......1 Sam. 13,14...Rom. 6....Psa. 62
Sunday..........1 Sam. 15,16...Rom. 7


  1. 1 Sam 5-6 drove home to me the importance of not taking the glory of God lightly. While it is the greatest blessing, it can become a horrible curse if it is not handled right!

  2. It is quite interesting to note the entire beginning of 1 Samuel in regards to the anointing Mark. God made a promise unto Eli and his household to remain with him, as long as he served God, him and his entire family. After the perversion of Eli's sons God "cut off the arm of Eli" in regards to the priesthood and authoritative leadership descending strictly from Eli's lineage. Then as we continue to read, we find Eli succumb to a broken neck after the Philistine army runs off with the ark of the covenant. So ain;t that somethen? Eli refused to keep his house in order, or rebuke his son's for their actins, God removed the anointing and raised up for Himself a worthy prophet. Make's me realize the importance of running a home in regards to God's legislation and practices. That going against His precepts could and most likely will result in the severing of one's lineage...and in the Apostolic faith...how important it is to apply this theology to today.

  3. That is, to say of course, I must add...that we must bring our children up as God delegates according to the faith we have received. As father's or fathers to be (wink wink) it is important to lead our families by most importantly the Word of God, and then, by the prophet God has placed in our lives for correction and edification. Then, it is our reasonable service I believe, to enforce all such standard in our own homes. Whatever comes over that pulpit becoming and immediate guideline, lining up with the Word of course, in each and every loving home. Because, of whom the Lord loves, He also chastens...so if we are to love our children, or, realize that our parents love us, when the standard is upheld.

  4. I truly am astonished with your subtilty Jason, that it would run away, and leave you all alone and to your own devices... =P

    Just a few things i found that made me inwardly laugh.
    1 Sam 3:17-- Eli actualy threatens Samuel if he doesn't disclose everything that God told him.
    1 Sam 5:8-- After the statue of Dagon fell over the second time, his priest refused to walk infront of the statue. This apparently also became long lasting tradition.

  5. sorry Matty, I don't follow.

  6. 1 SAMUEL 4..... was CRAZEE!!

  7. Mark, is there anyways you can briefly tell us what Bro. Joel Urshan's message "From his shoulders and up" was about (Not sure if I got that title right) I remember that you had once said that it was one of your favorite messages.

    I Sam 9

  8. Vren- It was basically about how Saul's mind learned how to be God's annointed, but his heart never did. Thus, "from his shoulders and upward..." And his kingship became a performance.

  9. I Sam 3-16
    I liked the story of Saul & how his father lost the donkeys, but God had something bigger planned for Saul. I wonder how inadequate Saul must've felt. The Israelites rejected God as their King and wanted a human king so they could be like everyone else… despite the warnings that were given. The Israelites were so disobedient to God, but yet God still showed mercy upon them. What a merciful God we have!! Saul’s pride seems very evident towards the end, and there are only a few chapters on him.

    In 1 Sam 15:11 – God was sorry that He had made Saul the king because of the disobedience! They didn’t obey the full order of God and then tried to sacrifice their disobedience back to God. Could that be like winning at the Casino… would God accept the tithing & offering from it?

    I Sam 16 – God looks on the inward appearance, the heart; while man looks on the outward appearance!

  10. I am SO far behind, but catching up is enjoyable, I love the books of Samuel!
